
Documentaries are about telling a story. A story about something that happened. We are great at story telling!

Documentary production is an art, it is unique. The best documentaries show a lot of “B-Roll" footage (secondary footage while listening to a voice-over). We love shooting

Documentaries are generally personal. Personal stories are authentic and must give off that vibe. Video Live Today takes the approach of really getting to know the person/people in the documentary and get a feel for how they want their story to be told. We want it to be your style, not ours… that's why documentaries are so fun to produce. We want every scene, shot, clip to be in your style. We will work very closely with you to make sure this happens.

We have the quality, equipment and experience to communicate complex ideas in an engaging and truth-telling way.

We create videos that make a difference

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Video Live Today

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Naples, Florida


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