Product Demo

The reason you put something up for sale is to generate revenue. An enormous part of that is putting it in front of their face. If they don't see the benefit of having it, why would they buy it? That's where we come in. We will guide you through the process of creating a product demo video to convince them they need your product.

If you don't want to take my word for it, ask Google! Google says video campaigns will be grouped just like other types of ads through AdWords and show up much more in Google searches.

Listen to this statistic… 73% more visitors who watch a product demo video will buy the product. What's more staggering is that 46% of people will do what's called “showrooming" a product if video isn't available. Showrooming is the process of going to a brick and mortar location to see the product with their own eyes.

71% of consumers think video explains a product better. What does that mean? If you have a product demo video that explains and explores your product, consumers will purchase it with more confidence and less confusion.

We create videos that make a difference

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